MARTHA JANE BEATTIE 1900 CROSS STITCH KIT - 36 Count Linen (Book with Pattern not included)

MARTHA JANE BEATTIE 1900 CROSS STITCH KIT - 36 Count Linen (Book with Pattern not included)

Code: 202411-SP-MJBK36


Product Details

"Martha Jane Beattie 1900: Red & Bold" is a Scottish reproduction sampler by Theresa Venette of Shakepeare's Sampler.  Theresa stitched the model on 36 count linen using one strand of floss over two linen threads.  The stitch count is 203 x 176.  
This kit has been made with Country Sampler's choice of 36 count linen and threads.   Country Sampler's thread conversion chart is included.    
The book "Most Humble Hands" is sold separately.
